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Avisha NessAiver here- aka DistilledScience This email, called “4-Bullet Friday,” is an experiment, shamelessly copied from Tim Ferris. It’s for email subscribers exclusively, and the idea is simple:Each Friday (or most of them, I hope :), I will send you a short email with 4 short recommendations or findings from my life.

Here’s the latest set:

So…what do you think? Do you like this “4-BulletFriday” email and want more of them? Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions on Twitter. Just send a tweet to @distilldscience and put#4BulletFriday in there so I can find it. Or just respond to this email:)

Thanks for reading! Happy (?) anniversary of the deadliest volcano eruption in human history, and have a great weekend!Avisha