Avisha NessAiver here- aka DistilledScience This email, called “4-Bullet Friday,” is an experiment, shamelessly copied from Tim Ferris. It’s for email subscribers exclusively, and the idea is simple:Each Friday (or most of them, I hope :), I will send you a short email with 4 short recommendations or findings from my life.
Here’s the latest set:
- Podcast I’m listening to – How to Optimize Your Brain-body Function & Health - a fantastic episode by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a tenured Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He does a super deep dive into a science-backed daily routine for optimizing productivity, sleep, exercise, and general well being.
- What I'm reading – An Absolutely Remarkable Thing: A Novel (The Carls Book 1) and A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor: A Novel (The Carls Book 2). I read so many books that it’s pretty hard to really catch my attention, but these drew me in from the first page with the writing style and then consistently made me think. (Genre: I’d call it “present-day sci-fi”)
- New study that changed the way I behave Distribution of dietary protein intake in daily meals influences skeletal muscle hypertrophy via the muscle clock - Researchers found that consuming protein around breakfast rather than dinner was more effective at building and maintaining muscle mass. They were able to demonstrate the mechanism in mice, eliminating the effect by removing a clock gene tied to the circadian rhythm called Bmal1.
- Cool website I’m using: melody.ml uses machine learning to take any song you upload and extract out the vocals, drums, instruments, and bass into separate tracks. It does a fantastic job!
So…what do you think? Do you like this “4-BulletFriday” email and want more of them? Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions on Twitter. Just send a tweet to @distilldscience and put#4BulletFriday in there so I can find it. Or just respond to this email:)
Thanks for reading! Happy (?) anniversary of the deadliest volcano eruption in human history, and have a great weekend!Avisha